Fun with theory and stuff

hope to have some stimulating threads here - I love sharing the little I know to guys who appreciate the little things, I always get a buzz off even the most basic lessons people share ...even if it just reminds me of a shape I forgot or a sequence thats fun ....lookin forward to your postys ...I'll share some too
Try this
just really basic harmony ....Cmj Dmi Emi Fmj Gmj Am Bdim
any arp we record (triad arppeggio) we can miss one and play the next one and it sounds like we know what were doing with harmonising notes
Cmj= Em
I think you gert the drift .....l8ters
Try this
just really basic harmony ....Cmj Dmi Emi Fmj Gmj Am Bdim
any arp we record (triad arppeggio) we can miss one and play the next one and it sounds like we know what were doing with harmonising notes
Cmj= Em
I think you gert the drift .....l8ters