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What Would You Like To See On Shredaholic? (Version 2!)

Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:14 pm
by shredaholic
The suggestions in the old forum's thread were great, so let's continue where we left off...
"post suggestions in here.... "

Re: What Would You Like To See On Shredaholic? (Version 2!)

Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:32 pm
by blank
More mead, meat, and women.
Nah, in all seriousness, I have no opinions or ideas
Re: What Would You Like To See On Shredaholic? (Version 2!)

Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:18 am
by ONEbpm
Hey all,
I have one that might be of interest. How about an "about us" link on the top of the page...who started the site, it's mission statement. I got here by typing "shred guitar" as a search in was the second on the list, so I'm guessing that there will be a lot of traffic and in the future, people may want to know how it all started.
Re: What Would You Like To See On Shredaholic? (Version 2!)

Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:41 pm
by shredaholic
Nice idea!

Re: What Would You Like To See On Shredaholic? (Version 2!)

Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:17 pm
by ONEbpm
How about a board for reviewing equiptment or instructional DVD's ?
Re: What Would You Like To See On Shredaholic? (Version 2!)

Fri May 28, 2010 7:56 am
by Far_beyond_the_fun
I would like to see more activity in the forum lol. Seems kinda dead O_o
Re: What Would You Like To See On Shredaholic? (Version 2!)

Mon May 31, 2010 11:08 pm
by shredaholic
If you guys would like to write proper reviews of instructional stuff I would be happy to even host them on the main site.
The forum has never been crazy active (the fact that shred is a bit of a niche has always held us back growth wise) but I don't think the fact that we've switched software has helped lately. More threads attract more people, and because I couldn't import the old threads, we don't have enough threads to attract more new visitors here again yet. But keep posting and that will change!

Re: What Would You Like To See On Shredaholic? (Version 2!)

Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:46 pm
by ONEbpm
Well, the first review is of a two handed tapping book from the 80ies. On the plus side, it's content (which we need anyway) and I've not found a review of this book online. The author is still selling updated versions of TT instructionals. So this would be the only place on the net that has a review of this book. The down side is, it was published a while ago and came with a floppy record in the back of the book that I can't play as I don't have a turn table. It's just audio examples, but it would help.
So, I'm torn as to whether I should move on the the next one or go with this one.
BTW, where would you want me to put the reviews...under "lessons" ?
Re: What Would You Like To See On Shredaholic? (Version 2!)

Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:16 am
by shredaholic
I think the tapping book would be cool
because it's so old, and I don't think it matters too much that the audio is in a format you can't play. Merely mentioning that there's a vinyl record with it would make the review more interesting.
You could post the review on the forum, I guess yeh lessons would be most appropriate, but even better if you send me it I can publish it as an article on the main Shredaholic website.

Re: What Would You Like To See On Shredaholic? (Version 2!)

Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:41 am
by shredaholic